張 博 智 | Poki CHANG
2007年畢業於國立臺北藝術大學科技藝術研究所,並以「策展人」、「藝術總監」、「新媒體藝術工作者」、「劇場影像設計」、「MV導演」多種不同身分活躍於各個不同場合。曾操刀設計歌手陳珊妮、黃連煜、魏如萱、阿肆演唱會投影影像設計、多張唱片視覺設計,國立故宮博物院多組新媒體展示設計,並與國內多家博物館合作展示設計。曾入選 國家文化藝術基金會 科技藝術專案 補助、入圍AMP音樂推動者大獎(最佳音樂影片)、2015 JAGUAR科技藝術獎、2020文化部公共藝術教育推廣獎、2021休士頓獨立影展 新媒體類銀獎。 現為國立政治大學 兼任助理教授、國立臺灣科技大學 兼任講師。
Poki Chang was graduated from the Graduate School of Arts & Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts. He used to be one of the original members of the art creation team「朗機工/ LOGICO-」, and now actives in various fields of art as new media art worker, website designer, image designer for theater, and the director of music videos.
He used to be supported by the Techno Art Creation Project of National Culture and Arts Foundation, also nominated by AMP Awards (Best Music Video). He took part in sound and image design of Issey Miyake spring/summer 2009 and image design of Chen Chien-chi’s “Love Scenes of Flowers and Farewell,” “Turn Left, Turn Right” (musical, 2010), The sound of live of sound, Tender Black Mail; Image design of Taipei Dad, New York Mom; Jimmy's Subway: a musical--2012 Revisit. …etc.
He is currently a assistant professor of National Chengchi University and a lecturer of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, also dedicated to developing Sound-Visual project and electric instrument creations.