展期 / Date : 2015-01-24 ~ 2015-03-22
開幕日期 / Opening:2015.01.24
展覽地點 / Location:國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
創作者 / Artist:張博智 / CHANG Po-Chih
作品規格尺寸 / Size:隨空間而調整(展出為12m x 12m x 6m) / Depend on space (Exhibition: 12m x 12m x 6m)
影片長度 / Time:55’10” (循環 / Loop)
媒材 / Media:空間投影裝置 / Video Installation
一種資訊流的觀看方式 V2 創作自述
Intro of Wifi Data Surfing Visualization – Data.Wave V2
I attempt to propose a romantic method of viewing information flow. Impromptu and randomly scheduled field samples of the dataflow in the internal and external wireless base stations at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMOFA) are collected. The numerical data is then transformed by information visualization software, and a composite of sound and image is produced. I attempt to take the network data flow from its invisible state and produce a certain romantic form. After the initial work of coding the program and creating the image of ocean waves, I too become a “bystander viewer.”
For me, the internet is not merely a format to facilitate easier communication from person to person (point to point). Social networking using Line or Facebook, does make it easier and simpler to maintain contact with others. We could even play games on line. But ultimately we still think of this side of the network and the other side as the end points of that connection. However, we are oblivious to the vast combinations of “0” and “1,” and do not see the speed of communication between two computers, or how the computer transmits signals through an internet protocol… Let’s call the endless transfer of shapeless data invisible to the eye “information stream” for now. Since it is an “information stream”, then let’s use a visual imagery of flowing “water” and “liquid” as a portrayal. I obtained the network traffic data stream from the NTMOFA, and attempted to convert this data stream into observable content. Ultimately the imagery of an ocean appeared in my mind, and the currents and rise and fall of the waves in this ocean are influenced and produced according to an exchange of information between people.
An ocean that results from the collected “information stream” became the final visual imagery.